ArtCenter Alumni
Even though you’ve graduated, we’re still here to support you.
ArtCenter alumni receive following resources: digital tools such as ArtCenter Connect and GoinGlobal; professional development programs hosted in alumni hubs globally; creative entrepreneurship workshops, panels, and events; as well as networking connections to the world-wide alumni community.
Career Advising
Individual career advising is available to alumni in the first year after graduation (effective Summer 2025) through the Creative Careers office to help in the career exploration and development process by providing a wide variety of resources. Appointments may be scheduled through ArtCenter Connect. An advisor can assist with the following areas:
Networking strategy development
Job search strategy
Mock interviews
Resume, cover letter, portfolio website, and LinkedIn profile consultation
Career interest assessment/interpretation
Career decision-making
As an ArtCenter graduate, Creative Careers has resources to assist you in every stage of your career. The Job Search Toolkit below walks you through key aspects of a job search. You can use it as your own career course, and in your first year after graduation, work though it with an advisor. The Tool Kit has links to additional Creative Careers’ resources that can help you get started.